PCG UPCOMING EVENTS & ACTIVITIES THE 50TH ANNUAL PCG IRISH TRADITIONAL MUSIC AND DANCE FESTIVAL OCT 10, 11 & 12th, 2024 It's a Wrap! Grand Finale with Celtic Corridor + Tim Britton, the Consequences, the Murphy Beds + Liz Hanley, Niall O'Leary and Carolina O'Naghten, and Brendan Callahan bring the festival to a close The Festival is over but the friends and memories made at the 3-day event will last a life time! Thank you to all: All our fantastically generous sponsors The many volunteers All the performers and presenters The vendors The sound & lighting guys All the folks at the CBC The Festival Committee & PCG Board of Directors and ALL of you who came out and supported this annual Festival celebrating it's 50th year Go raibh mile maith agat!